What is Chevre?
Chèvre (pronounced “SHEV-ruh” or sometimes simply “SHEV”) is a type of French cheese made from goat’s milk. Depending on how it’s made, Chèvre can have different flavors and textures.
About Lamancha Goats
The American LaMancha goat (or just Lamancha) originated from short-eared goats of a type found in LaMancha and others regions throughout Spain. Even so, there is not, nor has there ever been, a breed known as the Spanish LaMancha. The Term “American Lamancha” is an ADGA term which denotes a goat that is mostly Lamancha but has unknown genetics or varied genetics of other purebred goats.
How Does Goat Milk Taste?
There have been many rumors that goat milk does not taste good, but the taste of goat milk has a great deal to do with what they are fed and how they and the milk are cared for. Within minutes of being freshly milked, most goat’s milk is inherently sweet and clean tasting, with no strong aftertaste. The tendency for it to taste strong or goaty is a result of how it is handled.
About Raw Goat Milk
The enzymes in raw goat milk help in the digestion of the sugars, fats and minerals in the milk, according to a research report published in the July 2008 edition of the journal “Appetite.” Pasteurization destroys these enzymes and makes it difficult to digest milk, thereby leading to lactose intolerance which can lead to abdominal bloating, diarrhea and cramps.
About Goat Cheese
Goat cheese has been made for thousands of years, and was probably one of the earliest made dairy products. Goat’s milk is often consumed by young children, the elderly, those who are ill, and many people who have a low tolerance to cow’s milk.
Benefits of Goat Milk Soap
What you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat. The skin absorbs chemicals and nutrients which get absorbed directly into the bloodstream bypassing the protection of the liver. This means chemicals in your skin care products will be absorbed directly into your bloodstream, which makes what you put on your body just as important as what you put in it.